Sunday 10 January 2016

Assign 13: Mass vs Niche Audiences

(complete as a blog post or online presentation) (date as Jan 11 on blog)

Copy and complete the following statements below:

A mass audience is…….

A niche audience is……

Most horror films are niche audiences because……..

Give examples of different 3 subgenres of horror and identify their niche audiences and explain why they have those types of audiences…..

this presentation is useful to read!

Film examples: Resident Evil, Blade, From Duck till Dawn

Age: 15-25  (young people like the thrill (esp in their teenage years and 20's) and won't be put off violence/horror)

Gender: Male  (again, thrill seekers and entertained by the action and violence - more associated with masculinity)

Class: Working Class (C1, C2, D, E) (thrills at a cheap price, fast and instant form of entertainment) 

Groups: Either first date (comfort or film can create conversations to have together) or group of 'the lads' (find similar interests and can relate to/identify with themes or characters in the film)

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