Monday 18 April 2016


From the start of video you should have:

The Windsor Boys' School, 51543
Name of your film
Task: Film opening sequence
Names and candidate numbers

Get a template and put BBFC screen shot, put name of your film and the rating 

Then put your production company ident  (photo or video) 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

task 24 and 28 support

24 - what did you learn from audience research

From completing audience research we learned ......

-in your answer you could include
-what audience enjoy/do not enjoy
-their understanding of conventions
-the role of their needs/what attracts them to horror films (or what puts them off)
-how this will impact your coursework

28 - preliminary reflection

After completing our preliminary task we learnt the following ......

-in your answer you could include
-what you learnt about filming
-what you learnt about editing
-how it improved your skills
-how you learnt by doing mistakes
-how you would improve it further after looking back on it now

-how it helped prepare you for your c/w 

Sunday 10 April 2016


1. Blog feedback

2. grades
3. Draft 3/4 due Wed
4. FINAL DRAFT due Apr 27  (must film this weekend)

Exam = check e-mails for revision guide
-complete and bring skyfall booklets for Thur  (I will check completion!)

Thursday 17 March 2016


1. Work on planning for draft 2


2. Edit draft 2


3. Work on skyfall facts booklet

Monday 14 March 2016


1. Finish film distribution (section b)

2. work on draft 2 planning

on blog:
"Draft 2 planning"

-draft 1 audience feedback
-draft 2 targets  (Our targets to improve our next draft are....)
-recommended things to draft:
-timeline (the idea in 2 mins)
-update of actors/costume&props/locations - if changed - just show the pics!

Monday 22 February 2016

Weekly agenda

Mon...section b lesson, give out equip for weekend filming

Tues, sect b exam lesson (12c only)

Wed  groups to plan if needed

Thur  work on planning/blog

Fri finish all research/planning tasks on blog

Sat/Sun - filming  (1st draft = due Wed mar 9)

next week
Mon   editing

Tues  sect b lesson (12a only)

Thur   review of skyfall/spectre homework

Fri      mock exam review and editing (1st draft due next week)

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Full Research and Planning list

As blog checklist (15 16) from twbsmediaconnell

SHOTLIST (done after storyboard)

Shotlists from twbsmediaconnell


Risk assessment from twbsmediaconnell


Production shooting schedule from twbsmediaconnell

-font size 11
-font: courier or courier new
-pay attention to tabs

Script from twbsmediaconnell

LOCATION planning
-when you are done this, you must show PHOTOS of locations
(google maps to start off, but should be real photos because you should go and see locations before you film) 

Locations from twbsmediaconnell



-who are they?
-photos of them
-before/after photos of them (dressed up as character)
-reasons why you chose them (acting skills/look for character etc)

-any inspirational screen shots/photos of the 'look you want'?
-what are they?
-organise by costume/prop/make up in slides
-stuff you already have and and photos of this
-stuff you need, where will you get it? cost? (screen shot online)
-reasons why you will need this stuff (how does it link with genre? how does it link with story? what characters will wear what?)
-any tutorials from youtube can be embedded on blog (how to do ghost make up/how do zombie make up etc)
-costume: clothing they will wear including accessories
-props: anything you will need in the film ie phone, knife, chairs, etc
-make -up: 'dead skin or zombie look, contact lenses, fake blood, black eye make-up etc etc

-locations you might want to use (scouting)
-range of photos from google maps?
-range of photos AT the location, in a range of shots/angles
-descriptions or captions of over/near photos to explain how you will use this location
-how you will get to location (journey for all members)
-important issues with location (open to public, open/close times etc)
-health and safety issues (travelling there, uneven surfaces members of public around)

-range of visuals in presentation
-work is neat, clear, well organised, easy to access/navigate (not cluttered or messy looking)
-no extensive writing - bullet points
-range of technology across set assignments

-chronological and up to date (goes in order with correct dates)
-clear title post for every blog post, done correctly ie (PLANNING) Assign 99: Script
-properly embedded presentations/videos
-limited photos in blog poster - (better to have in photopeach/animoto/make a gif etc)

-neat, clear and readable
-consistent font (and size throughout)
-organisational tools to present text clearly:  BOLD, BULLET POINTS, good LINE SPACING etc
-colour is appropriate and makes text clear
-no text over busy patterns (can't read it)
-captions for photos

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Other presentation and photo collection software for planning work

You will shortly receive your full blog list of all your planning work.  Try to incorporate them all in your planning:

Presentation: animated videos and presentations

Photo collection/photo sharing:


A great website to share ideas in a group......

could be used at some point on your blog?

Monday 1 February 2016

Assign 25-33

Monday: blood workshop and decide on preliminary (when and where you will do this week)

Thur: filming horror shots exercise

Fri: editing preliminary and pitch instructions for next week (you will present pitch next week in class)

Over half term - planning your coursework!  (therefore you need to know what you're doing before half term)

Preliminary example: ¡

During this week in free time:
1. editing the audience research videos  (everyone edit their own bits?)
2. filming preliminary
3. edit preliminary

Friday 29 January 2016

Thur to do

1. Make sure I have the quick time files for practice opening and swedes 

2. Upload quicktimes for both on your blog 

3. Check the blog titles:  (RESEARCH) Assign 16: Film Billing

4. Delete library for practice opening (get screen shots first)

5. Delete library for swede (get screen shots first) 

6. Begin assign 22 and 23

HAVE IDEAS FOR C/W READY FOR TUES - we need to get going on planning of ideas before Feb 1/2 term. 

  • It might be an idea to review more level 4 c/w  (I posted the links)
  • Watch more films in your interested subgenres (clips and trailers if not the whole film for ideas)

Tasks 22-24

Blood workshop

Monday Jan 29

-bring clothes you don't want to ruin (not school uniform)
-£3 for white coverall 

From last year!!!!!!

Groups who want the £3 coveralls 
Group 1 - yes
Group 2 - yes
Group 3 - no
Group 4 - yes
Group 5 - yes
Group 6 - no
Group 7 - yes
Group 8 - yes

6 in total.

Friday 15 January 2016

Film billing

Assign 15-21

Editing next week

This weekend = Jan 16/17
-start to film swede (try to film most of it - whatever you don't film this weekend, you need to film during week next week
*If you film/edit less than group members, you get less marks.

(week 2 - week of jan 18)
MON      editing 'assign __: practice opening sequence'
TUES (12c)     editing 'assign__ ...
THUR    exam lesson, swede filming must be done
FRI         assign __ completed and ready to submit to teacher at beginning of lesson, editing swede (assign __)
*filming anything else for swede from Mon-Thur during this week

(week 1 - week of jan 25)
MON     editing swede (assign __)......also working on screen grabs for assign ____: construction of swede
TUES (12A)  editing swede  
THUR   assign ___/___ swede due by end of day ........
FRI        10 mins of lesson = assign ___: evaluation of lesson, the rest of lesson exam lesson

*In both weeks, further assignments for research and planning will be set.

Sunday 10 January 2016

SWEDE - filming

You will film your swedes this weekend. You need to review your planning and organise filming plans.

You will learn how to edit in Final Cut next week.

Assign 14: Mainstream vs independent horror films and their audiences

(due on Friday but date as Jan 14 on blog)

(complete as an online presentation – A NEW ONE) INCLUDE LOTS OF PICTURES

A mainstream film means……..
An example of a mainstream horror films is….
It is mainstream because…..
It’s target audience would be…..

An independent film means……
An example of an independent film is…. 
It is independent because….
It’s target audience would be….

Optional as individuals (just do as a blog post short paragraph):  
I enjoy  mainstream/independent type of films the most because…… 

Assign 13: Mass vs Niche Audiences

(complete as a blog post or online presentation) (date as Jan 11 on blog)

Copy and complete the following statements below:

A mass audience is…….

A niche audience is……

Most horror films are niche audiences because……..

Give examples of different 3 subgenres of horror and identify their niche audiences and explain why they have those types of audiences…..

this presentation is useful to read!

Film examples: Resident Evil, Blade, From Duck till Dawn

Age: 15-25  (young people like the thrill (esp in their teenage years and 20's) and won't be put off violence/horror)

Gender: Male  (again, thrill seekers and entertained by the action and violence - more associated with masculinity)

Class: Working Class (C1, C2, D, E) (thrills at a cheap price, fast and instant form of entertainment) 

Groups: Either first date (comfort or film can create conversations to have together) or group of 'the lads' (find similar interests and can relate to/identify with themes or characters in the film)

Demographics and social class

Understanding social class is not easy, it's best to classify as 

Demographics are factual aspects of a target audience....

Pyschographics are looking at personality, morals, values and interests among the audience can divide them up such as....

improving blogs (from last year)

Monday 4 January 2016

Examiner reports for G321 (coursework)

Please have a read through some of the examiner reports for tips:  (only g322)

june 2015
june 2014
june 2013
Jan 2013

Assign 12: What is a target audience

Create using the presentation program 'slides':

Include the following in the presentation:
a) Definition of target audience
b) Definition of secondary audience
c) Explain demographics
d) Explain psychographics
e) Screen shot from pearl & dean (of any horror film)
f) Screen shot from yougov profiler (of any horror film)
g) Explain the target audience (including demographics and psychographics) for 1 horror film each (each person do a different horror film - prob best to research the subgenres you're most likely to do for c/w)

Assign 11: Narrowing down ideas

Share your (assign 10) planning work with your group. (your 3 mindmaps)

Narrow it down to 3-4 of your best ideas as a group.  Post as a blog post with the following info:

Horror Subgenre:
Type (linear/non linear/symbolic):
We got inspired by the following TV shows/films (explain what was inspirational):
Genre/Subgenre conventions we will apply:
Narrative enigmas:
What happens in 2 minutes (in about 10 clear bullet points)


Horror Subgenre:
Type (linear/non linear/symbolic):
We got inspired by the following TV shows/films (explain what was inspirational):
Genre/Subgenre conventions we will apply:
Narrative enigmas:
What happens in 2 minutes (in about 10 clear bullet points)


Horror Subgenre:
Type (linear/non linear/symbolic):
We got inspired by the following TV shows/films (explain what was inspirational):
Genre/Subgenre conventions we will apply:
Narrative enigmas:
What happens in 2 minutes (in about 10 clear bullet points)
