Friday 23 October 2015

Swede groups

You should be in a group which you are likely to complete your coursework with.  

If you want to swap that is fine but you must let me know and this should happen before you begin these tasks.

Group 1: Marcus, Phil, Zirak, Alex

Group 2: Haseeb, Rizwan, Steven, Thomas M

Group 3: Max, James, Harvey, Joseph Cross

Group 4: Conor, Michael, Jay, Abir

Group 5: Josh, Laurie, Aiden, Luke

Group 6: Harry, Oli, Thomas Brown, Thomas Baldwin

Group 7: Ben, Sam, Luca, Jamaal

Group 8: Jordan, Kim, Joseph, Thomas Long

Planning a swede

Friday 9 October 2015

Assign 4: Types of OTS

There are 3 types of OTS:


linear – chronological/continuity to let story unfold -  (i.e. forrest gump, the Shining)

non-linear - flickering parts of the story, may be montage (i.e. se7en, enemy of the state )

symbolic - it's all about the symbolism, may not have anything from actual film (i.e girl with dragon tattoo, American horror story, sweeney todd)

Class activity:   
Identify the type.
Explain why you think the type has been chosen.

Group task:  Assign 4: Types of OTS              You will present this in lesson next Tuesday.
Format: prezi
Resources:  youtube search
Can be ANY genre.

Find 1-2 examples for each category. It cannot be a film you studied before.
Explain why you think the type has been chosen.

You must learn how to embed youtube videos on prezi:  click here for how to put youtube video in prezi!

How to divide the work: pair in group to do 1 together, all should put prezi together (not always 1 person!!!) You must share the responsibility.

-title page with assign name and group names
-OTS 1 embedded on prezi
-OTS 1 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 1 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 2 embedded on prezi
-OTS 2 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 2 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)

-OTS 3 embedded on prezi
-OTS 3 name of type of OTS  (linear/non-linear/symbolic)
-OTS 3 explaination why you think it is the type it is  (think about genre/director etc)